Class 1 – 10/22/2002
Perl Scripting

This class is an introduction to Perl. It will cover the Perl environment, Perl interpreters, general usage/scope, and style/maintainability.

What is Perl?
Perl is an interesting programming language that started as a simple scripting language for generating and printing reports, and has now developed into a full featured programming language.

Where is Perl used?
This class will focus on Perl for system administration and network tasks, as this is what the AMD team uses it for primarily. We will not be focusing on Perl in CGI at this time.

What makes Perl stand out? How can Perl help me be efficient?
Programming languages differ not so much in what they let you do, but in what they make easy. Perl is both a very simple language and a very rich language. You don't have to know everything there is to know about Perl to write useful programs. Perl tries to grow with you – from simple one line scripts to scripts with hundreds of lines and dozens of plug-in modules, Perl is happy to process whatever you give it. Perl is especially suited for tasks that involve text processing, reading and writing of files, anything network related, CGI and web page generation, working with databases, and most any kind of console based task.

What platforms are supported?
Where do you get Perl?
Most Linux/Unix OS's come with it preinstalled, but the latest version can always be downloaded from CPAN.

What Internet resources are available?
Main Perl Site
Perl Mongers
Perl Monks
Lean Perl
The Perl Documentation Site
The Perl Intro
Picking up Perl Online Book
Boggle your brain

Class 1 – 10/22/2002
Getting Started

Basic programming thought processes and guidelines

Running Perl programs

Basic syntax overview

Variable types

A Basic Program
print ”Hello world\n”;
